With the weather turning colder, I have come to the realization that our fridge is a perfect way to see what season we are in. With it now being fall, the amount of cabbage sitting in our fridge has us eating haluski for dinner (delicious) and contemplating making our own sauerkraut. There are apples everywhere in our kitchen, and we are even eating winter squash (which despite being difficult to cut, bakes up surprisingly good).

There is another sign in our house that it is finally truly fall (and I'm not talking about my over enthusiasm for halloween decorations). There are pumpkins! Trista, Tiffany, and I went out to the garden to start gathering in our pumpkins. In the words of Peanuts, it is a most sincere pumpkin patch, and we are looking forward to carving them for jack-o-lanterns and cooking them down for pumpkin cookies/pies.
Things Going On:
Fall in Meadville is a great season. There are tons of haunted houses going on around us, there are apple festivals and pumpkin festivals. The farmers market is still going on, and there is only ONE more week of Davenport cider and apples!!!!!
Saturday 10/13- Fire and Food celebration up at the pavilion with Edible. Its an October Energy Challenge event and a harvest party. There will be a potluck and music by fellow students. Come check it out.
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