Tuesday, March 6, 2012


It is official! The college has granted us a house, not in the originally intended manner, but we are rather persistent group of students, so we have succeeded! 
Total Awe.
This means we will be able to post more as we get into the summer and start moving into the house! We are ecstatic to finally have a kitchen, (this means I won't have to continue to sacrifice my clothing space for kitchen equipment storage!).

We are still a new blog, as well as a group of busy college kids, so stick with us while we iron out the kinks and get the hang of what we are supposed to be doing. We will eat locally, we will still have fun, and we will do so on the resources of a group of college kids. There will be food, and lots of it, there will be garden pictures, and there will probably be crafts. We sort of love foods and crafts, eh, it happens!

Stay cool!